Miami Spartan Sprint Weekend Recap

Now that Ive been home a bit and life has calmed down, I figured it was time for a race recap.
Kirk and I arrived in Fort Lauderdale after a long day of flights and being at 4 different airports. We picked up our rental car (note to self.. Book this in advance next time. Airport car rentals are a nightmare.. And Canadian debit cards are apparently useless in America.)
We finally got everything sorted and headed straight to Whole Foods.
Seriously, there needs to be a whole foods in Nova Scotia.
We got all carbed up and ready for a weekend of racing.
The race venue was pretty flooded, and it was raining hard on and off.. But that didn't rain on our parade, duh we are Spartans! Aroo!

The race went very well, I only ended up doing Burpees for the Hercules hoist (this seriously weighed more than I did and lifted me off the ground) and the rig (opps, need to practice my monkey bars). I'll get you one day, burpee free race!!
Heres the pictures from Saturday's race
Who's this happy during a bucket carry?? Me apparently.. Lol like I said, we were in Miami, it was warm, can't rain on my parade!
The only obstacle that is easier when you're a shorty.. Also, man buns and barbed wire don't get along.
Mmmm doesn't that water look delish.
Pretty excited because I passed a dude! #spartanchicked
Kirk was waiting for me at the finish line with a big hug :)
Ps - you get a free Shock Top at American races.. Now that's what I'm talking about!
I placed 33rd in my elite heat for females, and 5th age group, which makes me super happy because I thought I would be near the bottom of the group! A goal for me had been to place top 50 of elite females so to do this at my first elite race was pretty exciting!
New goal: top 10 female.

Kirk placed 3rd in elite and made it to the podium! He has been training his ass off and deserves a big win like this!
Look at that smile! :)
Holy moly am I ever a proud girlfriend, I literally bragged to anyone who would listen to me that weekend about him winning! Well deserved. Someday, I'll be up there with him :)
The next day I was far too bruised and beat up (8 foot wall probs) to race elite again so I had the wonderful opportunity to cheer on Kirk instead. Watching him race is amazing, he's so fast and focused and when he goes through obstacles he makes it look effortless. I've never been so proud! He came in at 4th place in a very close finish! That man never fails to impress me.

Later on that day, we met up with our friend Juan and ran in the open heat (less competitive). It was super fun completing the race with friends and getting some awesome pictures along the way.
Romantic date idea.. Bucket carry through a swamp, haha😂
Again, man buns and barbed wire don't mix.
We decided to do a sexy hair flip dunk wall photo.. But I forgot.. Hahaha still the best picture ever.
Dunk wall photos are beautiful.
Note to self.. Don't wear a strappy sports bra at Spartan races. Also, say hi to my awesome friend Juan! :)
Overall it was SUCH a amazing weekend. I made a bunch of new friends, completed some goals and had fun racing. For now, it's technically Spartan race off season, but we're training for our upcoming race, the hypothermic half marathon. Back to the cold in Nova Scotia!
After that race, the workouts will be getting very intense as we have decided to compete in the Montreal ultra beast (45+km) July 31.

Ps - we made the 3 hour drive to Orlando to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and it was literally the BEST DAY EVER! 

The Rural Runner
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